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Crystallography in School @ECM35

A two days workshop  to discuss, to share and to teaching modules  on crystallography-related subjects in school


August 25-26th 2025

St. John Cantius School
ul. Strzelecka 10
61-485 Poznań

Scientific and Organising Committee

Kamil Dziubek (University of Wien, Austria)

Ewelina Framska (St. John Cantius High School, Poznań, Poland)

Erhard Irmer (University of Göttingen, Germany)

Mariusz Jaskólski (A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)

Katarzyna Kordus (St. John Cantius High School, Poznań, Poland)
Maciej Kubicki (A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań,Poland)
Tomasz Manszewski  (Gen. Kutrzeba School, Oborniki, Poland)

Consiglia Tedesco (University of Salerno, Italy)


Students usually come into contact with crystallographic topics, and in particular with X-ray structure analysis, only late in their university studies. Public events often focus on a playful approach to crystals or symmetry. Only very rarely are crystallographic topics integrated into school lessons in STEM subjects. However, the method of crystal structure analysis and working with its results offer many possible applications in chemistry, physics or biology lessons.
In the workshop, we would like to work out such curricular anchor points together and use best-practice examples to encourage an exchange of experiences for working with pupils and teachers.

The workshop will take place at St. John Kantius Senior High-School in Poznan, where Max von Laue studied  at the end of 19th century.

The first day will be dedicated to the presentation of oral contributions and demo sessions with the possibility for participants to get in touch with speakers and practice tutorials.

The second day high-school students will be able to carry out hands-on tutorials and small experiments supported by their teachers and crystallographic tutors. If you like to contribute with a lecture or a practical demo, please contact us by writing to

Preliminary Programme

August 25th 2025


9:30 -12:30 Invited and contributed lectures

12:30 - 14;00 Lunch break

14:00 - 16:00 Demo sessions

August 26th 2025

9:30-12:30 Hands-on tutorials


Do you wish to support this event?
Please, contact us.


© 2019 Paolo P. Mazzeo

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